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出版社 吉林大学出版社
ISBN 978-7-5768-1999-1
作者 天府文化研究院
出版时间 2023.8
定价 92.00(全2册)
开本 16
包装 平装


   The traditional writing of "official history" in China is a writing mode that sets emperors and generals changing dynasties as the core and the main narrative clues. The winner is the king and the loser a bandit in the struggle for power, such historical views and values once had a profound impact on the hearts of the Chinese people. The stories of the Three Kingdoms, as a widely popular theme of historical stories among the people, are also not detached from such a set pattern.


Chapter 1 

Feather Fan, Silk Scarf and Crane-Robe

Chapter 2    

White Robe and Silver Sharp Spear

Chapter 3    

The Copper Bird Terrace

Chapter 4

Ancient Qin

Chapter 5
The Green Dragon Crescent Blade

Chapter 6
The Ten-Eight-Span Spear

Chapter 7
The Figured Halberd with Two Blades

Chapter 8
Zhuge Crossbow

Chapter 9
Wooden Ox and Gliding Horse

Chapter 10
The Red Hare

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